Wednesday, 7 December 2011

The Goal of Team Work

When people work together in an atmosphere of trust and accountability toward common goals, and focus on tasks to be done. Focus resources to overcome obstacles, help to identify new opportunities, and build on the momentum that led to three major benefits:

1.Splitting up better problem
2. Greater productivity
3. More effective use of resources
There are also a bunch of softer benefits of teamwork which greatly improves the workplace:

1. People enjoy working together and teamwork to meet the need for socialization.
2. Working together to help people grow as they learn from one another and develop important skills.
3. Working together toward a common goal provides a sense of purpose that motivates and satisfying.If you look into the group of employees who work as a team, you will see the characteristics or properties:
Openness and candor. The more people who express their feelings and be honest with each other, present real teamwork, team members are basically trusting, more open and honest with each other.when the real teamwork that exists, team members are willing to accept the assignment. Motivated by peer pressure, they also work hard to get better results and correct